Example of introduction to texting and driving essay A few years ago, the World Health Organization made a shocking statement: about million people die every year as a result 15/07/ · Texting or using a cell phone while driving is very hazardous to yourself and the people surrounding you. One reason the majority of people are against this action is because This is because texting uses and involves three different mental/physical actions-visual, manual, cognitive-all of which shift attention from the road ahead, disabling the driver to be aware of
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Put simply, texting and driving are dangerous because texting diverts your attention away from the road. Those few seconds that you are on your phone could be used to hit the breaks or swerve out of the way of a quickly approaching article. If your eyes are on your phone instead of on the road, you lose valuable time that could have been used to mitigate an accident. One of the best ways to stop yourself from texting while driving is to create a habit that will keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel. For many people who rely on their phones for so much, texting and driving essay, this may seem like a difficult task.
The key is to incorporate putting your phone away as part of those routines. Making a new habit can be challenging. The key is to stay consistent and continually remind yourself of your goal until it becomes second texting and driving essay. Try attaching a sticky note to the wheel of your car to remind yourself to not text and drive. Another good trick is to make a pact with a friend to help texting and driving essay each other accountable. It is important to stick with your habit, texting and driving essay give in to temptation and always keep in the back of your mind the benefits of texting and driving essay focused on the road and not driving while distracted. The most ideal habit you can build is to texting and driving essay turn your phone off when you get in the car.
However, this might not always be an option when you texting and driving essay to use your GPS or if you use your phone for entertainment purposes while driving. Fortunately, there are other solutions. You can use an app while you drive we make some suggestions for good apps below! and simply make a habit of activating the app before you hit the road. If you often drive with others in the car, another good option is to hand your phone to another passenger to hold onto until you reach your destination, texting and driving essay. If instead you typically drive alone, you can always close up your phone in the glove compartment, your purse, in the center storage console under your armrest or in any other place where you cannot reach it.
That way, you can have your phone connected to the vehicle for entertainment purposes but will avoid texting and driving. In Pennsylvania, drivers are prohibited from driving and texting. If you are pulled over texting and driving, you will be issued a fine. However, texting and driving essay you are texting and driving and you cause an accident, there may be criminal consequences for those actions that could result in jail time. The more severe the accident, texting and driving essay, the more jail time you can face.
For example, if you cause a fatality by texting and driving, you may face up to five years in jail. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration estimates that inover 3, people were killed in accidents caused by distracted driving. In Pennsylvania alone, a study estimated that indistracted driving caused nearly thousand car crashes and at least 66 deaths. Nowadays, there are many apps available to drivers to deter them from texting while driving. Here are some of our favorites:. We are very happy to find that we got many great articles which show our next generation is pretty aware of this matter. The following four Texting and Driving Essay essays are the best entries:. Every day in the United States around one out of ten people are killed by distracted drivers, and around are injured in some way in crashes by these irresponsible, distracted drivers.
One of the most dangerous, distracting activities that many people do is texting while driving. It is extremely dangerous because people who do this are putting more attention in texting, and they take their eyes off the road while they are driving, which increases the chance that the driver can lose the control of the vehicle, and could cause a crash or even in a worst-case could kill other people, texting and driving essay. The statistics are very sad because according to the CDC Centers for Disease Control texting and driving essay Prevention in3, people were killed in crashes involving a distracted driver, andpeople were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver.
Additionally, a recent study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute showed that drivers who are texting are twice as likely to crash, or almost crash, texting and driving essay, as those who are focused on the road. These statistics are reaching higher numbers because people are using their cell phones more and more, especially adolescents. For this reason, it is very important that we find some ideas to break off this bad habit of texting while driving. I think that one of the easiest and best ways to break this habit is simply to turn off your phone. Another way to break this habit is to download some of the new applications that can disable cell phones while people are driving.
There are a great variety of applications to choose I think that we can use these to help us with the problem of texting while we are driving. Additionally, if a driver is waiting for an important call or text and has company in the car, the phone can be given to a passenger to check it out. Also, there are some programs that are helping to raise awareness about the dangers of distracted driving and to keep it from occurring. In these anti-texting programs, people can drive in a simulated situation, where they are driving but also texting, and can see how many accidents are caused by this problem, texting and driving essay.
Something very important is that many of the states have started to pass some laws that order drivers to stop texting while driving. However, this also includes texting back a friend while driving. As simple as it might seems, texting and driving is very dangerous and should be taken seriously. Not only that but texting while driving is actually more dangerous than driving while being drunk or high on marijuana. Every year almost a million people in the United States get into accidents, the majority: teens. Unfortunately, the number just keeps increasing. This affects other people who are driving and can cause the deaths of innocent lives. In a Cell Phone and Driving Statistic, it is reported that 3, people were killed andpeople were injured due to distracted drivers.
Furthermore, it is said that talking or listening on the phone increases the risk of crashing by 1. Dialing is 2. To break these habits, people can either turn off their phone or put it on silent before driving. This will force them to concentrate on the road only, texting and driving essay. This will allow your eyes to focus on the road instead of your phone. Though you are still talking while driving, it still decreases your chance of crashing. An app in smartphones that works similarly to the method I described before is called DriveSafe. Basically, it reads your text messages and emails out loud and has a customizable auto-responder.
A few other apps that help prevent texting are called Safely Go and TXT ME L8R. Then both phones automatically send a message to inform your friends or family that you are driving. Many stories and documentaries are also posted online to support this campaign. You can also join millions of others who have signed the pledge to never text and drive and to instead take action to educate others about the dangers of it. It gives you a real-life experience of texting and driving. Before you look at a text, remember that it is not worth dying for. It seems that everyone has a cell phone, and they cannot be separated from it. Cell phones have made a huge impact in the world, both good and bad. Most of the bad come when people, especially teens, decide to use the phone when behind the wheel of a vehicle.
There are some huge statistics against texting and texting and driving essay on the phone while driving, and people are trying to bring awareness to this expanding problem across the United States. Staggering statistics are out there for everyone to see, yet we go about our lives ignoring the signs and warning against using our cell phones while driving. com tells us that texting while driving increases the probability of getting in a crash twenty-three times the normal amount, and thirteen percent of the young adults, eighteen to twenty, have admitted to talking or texting before the course of the accident. Texting and driving essay taking our eyes off the road for five seconds, while the car is traveling at fifty-five miles per hour, is the same as traveling a football field without noticing what is going on around us.
Seeing the danger in this is very evident, especially around intersections. Taking eyes off the road through an intersection is probably the highest risk, the light could be changing causing the car in front to texting and driving essay, or worse, traveling through the red light or a stop sign into flowing traffic. Texting is a major factor when it comes to crashes and creating a hazardous situation, so preventing the usage of cell phones while driving would be a large step in limiting the number of crashes that happen in the United States. There are multiple associations that are already trying to prevent cell phone usage.
Associations such as the NHTSA, the Nation Highway Traffic Safety Association, which is an organization dedicated fully to tips and facts and videos showing how dangerous it can be to use your cell phone. There are also Facebook and Twitter pages, and blogs. In addition, the driving course in Michigan has a section in the lesson on the hazards of using cell phones while driving. These are just programs that are helping to prevent texting while driving. Easy and simple ways that everyone can do as they enter the car. Firstly, texting and driving essay, by putting the phone in the glovebox, you eliminate the temptation to reach for it and use it while your driving, texting and driving essay.
If you decide not to use that method, and you have a passenger, just give the phone to them, they can rely on the information to you if it is that important. Just keeping the phone out of reach, in general, will help prevent the usage of the device, texting and driving essay. Not only are these ways are widespread and easily accomplished, but there should also be a restriction in general for usage while driving. Although, the overall effects may not be seen in the number of accidents prevented due to these laws, having a larger discipline for doing such activities should help in dropping the number of people on their devices.
Preventing the usage of these everyday devices is very simple, yet rather difficult, and will save lives if it works out. Accidents are deadly to many people, texting and driving essay, so creating an environment for everyone is better in the long run. As a young adult, I plan to use some of these ideas and promote these websites and encourage others around me to do the same. It has become such an issue that every time we turn on the TV all we see is that same commercial running about that girl who died because she wanted to text her friend back.
Or that now in every major TV show someone always gets in a car accident because they want to text someone that they love them. I remember when technology was something beautiful because of how helpful it is but, now its become a hazard to the generation alone, texting and driving essay. Ever since the emergence of cell phones, this generation has become heavily dependent on it for every minute of every day. Cell phones and texting were created ultimately to provide communication but it has now become so much more than that. Texting while driving has become a heavy habit for most teens and adults as well but regardless of the commercials and shows and statistics that show the results of texting while driving most people cannot kick the habit. Overall all these statistics are saying the same thing, is that one text can wreck all.
So many lives are taken or altered because of the simple decision to send or reply to one text message. If precautions are heavily enforced before adults and teens especially enter the car, then maybe this epidemic can become obsolete. Fines are enforced but how well is the question?
texting while driving essay
, time: 2:56Texting While Driving, Persuasive Essay Sample

19/05/ · Texting while driving causes distraction and increases their chances of getting involved in car accidents. Such concerns have been raised by various government authorities, Example of introduction to texting and driving essay A few years ago, the World Health Organization made a shocking statement: about million people die every year as a result 24/03/ · Texting is a major factor when it comes to crashes and creating a hazardous situation, so preventing the usage of cell phones while driving would be a large step in limiting Estimated Reading Time: 10 mins
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