19/02/ · Ecological footprint looks at the impact a person, community, or business has on the environment and the amount of land required to sustain the use of their natural resources. Ecological Footprint words 4 page (s) Ecological footprint refers to the environmental effects caused by individuals and organizations in their daily activities. The effects can be 8/07/ · My ecological footprint. My ecological footmark per centum is %. We would necessitate Earths if everyone had the life style that I lead. The consequences made me
My ecological footprint ( Words) - blogger.com
This Ecological Footprint Essay example is published for educational and informational purposes only. If you need a custom essay or research paper on this topic, please use our writing services. com offers reliable custom essay ecological footprint essay services that can help you to receive high grades and impress your professors with the quality of each essay or research paper you hand in. EFs can show how much land is needed to sustainably support a human population, nation, or a specific component of society, ecological footprint essay, such as a commodity e. The utility of footprint analysis FA is best understood by considering the ecology of a modern city.
Urban inhabitants are concentrated within city bounds but they rely on the importation of resources and exportation of wastes to survive. Therefore, the land area necessary to produce resources and absorb wastes far exceeds the actual geographic boundaries of the city or nation -in wealthy nations ecological flows may be distributed across the planet. FA provides a framework for tracking these resource and waste flows and converting them into a common metric-land area hectares per capita-by making use of widely available economic statistics.
The calculation of an EF is based on two key assumptions. First, it is possible to reasonably track most human resource consumption and waste generation, and translate these flows into bioproductive land areas. Biodiversity is included in national and global analyses but there is much debate over how much land must be set aside. Estimates range from 8 to 75 percent; in practice, the conservative Ecological footprint essay Commission on Environment and Development [WCED] estimate of 12 percent of bioproductive land is simply added to the footprint total for the given social unit.
The novelty of FA is in standardizing resource and waste flows in terms of bioproductive land area, instead of creating arbitrary indices or lumping together ecological and social factors. This requires analysts to distinguish between the quality of land types depending on their level of productivity. For instance, arable land ecological footprint essay the most productive and is used for staple crops, ecological footprint essay, such as wheat and corn. Pasture land is unable to support staple crops and used primarily for grazing.
While pasture also produces food for human consumption, the biochemical conversion from plants to meat represents significant energy loss a factor of Forest land represents tree farms or forests yielding timber. Ecological footprint essay or degraded land is productive land lost to roads, buildings, and other structures. Built land is considered formerly productive because human settlement patterns indicate that arable land is ruined to accommodate infrastructure. Other types of land included are productive sea spaceenergy landecological footprint essay, and biodiversity land. When calculating a footprint, resource and waste flows are first converted into one of the above land areas in hectares and then scaled by multiplying by an equivalence factor EQalso in hectares.
EQs express differences in land productivity compared to world average productivity e, ecological footprint essay. World average productivity, and consequently the productivity of each above land type, is recomputed each year to account for reductions in resource stocks, such as desertification, fishery collapse, urbanization, and so on. Taking the example of a typical North American barbecue meal-steak, potatoes, and paper cups and plates-we can see how an EF is calculated. The steak and potatoes require pasture land for grazing, arable land to grow the potatoes, energy for fertilizer, transportation, processing, storage, and cooking, and built land for roads and buildings to transport and store the food.
After each production and waste flow of the meal is converted into the appropriate land type and multiplied by the associated EQ, all of the components are summed. This gives the total EF ecological footprint essay the meal, which might then be compared to the world average footprint for a typical meal. Clearly, EFs can get extremely complicated, especially when doing a component-based calculation, as in the latter example. William Rees, who coined the phrase ecological footprint, notes the pedagogical utility of component-based analysis. This overshoot -a concept William Catton popularized and that served as an inspiration for the development of EFs-is possible because EF calculations acknowledge that populations can indeed grow beyond their carrying capacity, but they will eventually feel the effects of critical resource loss.
Wackernagel and Rees theorized EFs as a direct intervention into debates over sustainability, and particularly as a criticism of traditional economic modeling and the use of monetary equivalents for assessing sustainability i. FA implies that traditional economic models do not adequately account for biophysical limits, efficient resource use, ecologically realistic pricing, ecological footprint essay, ecological footprint essay intraand inter-generational equity. By distinguishing human and environmental welfare, EFs provide much-needed conceptual clarity for social ecological footprint essay. Indeed, the use of EFs within the social sciences is widespread and stimulating vigorous debate over the future of social organization.
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8/07/ · My ecological footprint. My ecological footmark per centum is %. We would necessitate Earths if everyone had the life style that I lead. The consequences made me 27/11/ · The Ecological footprint is a method to compute the support to human life from nature and calculate the effect of human on natural environment such as use of resources, the The ecological footprint indicates that people have a resource intensive lifestyle especially in the developed world, which leads to ecological and environmental degradation and poverty and
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